
I went to a seminar on biodecoding, which is based on New German Medicine. I’ve read two books on Biogenealogy and Biodecoding, which I thought were so fascinating and a holistic view of health, I was inspired to go to the 3 day seminar. What so great about it? First...

Who Do You Believe?

There’s an overwhelming amount of information out there. When it comes to your health, who can you believe and who can you trust? In the old days we used encyclopedias as our source of information, and we knew they were maybe a couple years outdated. And of course...

Cancer: Western Medicine versus Alternative Medicine

THEORY:Western Medicine:  From  “Cancer, also called malignancy, is characterized by an abnormal growth of cells. There are more than 100 types of cancer, including breast cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, and...

Emotions and Disease

Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.    -Sigmund Freud                       If you go to a medical doctor and complain about depression, or anxiety, or another uncomfortable emotion, chances are you will...

Donald Trump’s View on Vaccines

Donald Trump would like more research into the link between vaccine and autism. Donald Trump has seen healthy children change after a vaccine and isn’t afraid to speak out and say there should be more research done.[i][ii] This is great news especially after Bernie...

Doctor Title

  People go to school with good intentions to become a doctor or pharmacist, and earn the “doctor” title.  I’ve enjoyed having the doctor title and the respect it brings with it.  People are often impressed and respectful and then expect me to be very...