biogeneologyI went to a seminar on biodecoding, which is based on New German Medicine. I’ve read two books on Biogenealogy and Biodecoding, which I thought were so fascinating and a holistic view of health, I was inspired to go to the 3 day seminar.

What so great about it? First of all, I’ve been learning about various types of holistic healing modalities — this Biodecoding perspective takes into consideration the thoughts, emotions, and even our heritage. It is a very complete theory of health and for me it seems to put a lot of the pieces together. It also addresses some issues and health conditions that most others cannot treat.

Some basics based on New German New Medicine:

  • Diseases are caused by emotions. Specifically, a very precise emotional conflict which is serious, painful, and takes the person off guard and into shock.  Exceptions include malnutrition, poisoning and shock.
  • Target-shaped rings appear on a brain CT-scan after a trauma. The location of the rings on the brain scan is determined by how the person perceives their traumatic situation. From the location of those rings the organ affected can be determined.
  • The organ affected is directly associated with the emotional conflict. The example given was from Dr. Hamer’s own experience of experiencing testicular cancer following the death of his son.
  • Disease develops in two distinct phases: the active (cancer) phase, and the resolution / repair phase. During the active phase there is growth and more cells and more oxygen. During the repair phase there is ulceration and necrosis (cell loss).
  • The body is always working to ensure survival. It is always working in our favor.
  • When cancer appears on the body, there is growth of abnormal cells in the body. The purpose is to improve biological functioning and heal the body. In the case of lung cancer, the extra cells are allowing the body to receive more oxygen. When the cells are first growing the person feels energized and good.
  • The body will naturally destroy the extra cells, which will then cause the patient to feel sick.
  • Microbes, fungi, bacteria, viruses, etc all play a key role in the balance of our external and internal eco-system.
  • The natural process is for a tumor to completely deconstruct and dissolve after a healing. However, due to antibiotics and vaccinations, often the body has lost some of the microbes necessary to complete the job, and the tumor will remain.
  • If a doctor discovers a tumor at this stage, it will be determined that it is “benign”.
  • This means that diseases are not here to bother or kill us but rather they are here to improve our biological functioning to increase our chance to survive; to restore balance.
  • “The fifth law allows us to make peace with cancer and all diseases. In the light of this discovery, it is clear that illness is a beneficial and peaceful process that needs to be understood and respected. Biology is simple and logical. Biology has only ONE program : LIFE. It executes the life-program relentlessly every second of our life since the day we were born.”

According to this theory, “All diseases without exception have a special biological meaning and purpose that can be explained and understood through biology, embryology and evolutionary theories. All diseases are biological programs of adaption for survival when facing unexpected distress and life-threatening situations.”

Working with a biodecoding practitioner can help resolve a variety of difficult health conditions and diseases.

For more information, check out their website