Ok so you’ve been finishing all your meals as your parents told you  out of respect for the starving people around the world. You can’t save the world, but you can at least do your part and not waste any food.

The result?

The largest obesity crisis ever in history, with more than two thirds of adults are considered overweight.  This increased weight often results in a variety of health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Additionally, there is even a new term “globesity” to describe the world wide epidemic of obesity.

Meanwhile, hunger and starvation continue to be a problem in many countries throughout the world…

Maybe it’s time to let go of some of our outdated thoughts and beliefs! You know, the sayings that come so automatically they are so ingrained in our subconscious mind we hardly realize we are saying them, and we definitely aren’t thinking about them.

Can you think of other thoughts and beliefs that may be outdated?