medicine jar pngNatural News listed 7 drugs that don’t work  – although I agree with the article, a more accurate description of medications is they reduce symptoms and make the patient more comfortable, often at the expense of one’s health.

Antibiotics may kill an infection, but they also kill other bacteria, good and bad, and leaves your body off balance and more susceptible to infections. They also interrupt the body’s natural reaction to build immunity against the infection. If someone does not take antibiotics, the body will build an immunity against that infection. So if the patient is exposed to the infection again, it will have built up a defense and would be ready to fight the infection. ON the other hand, if someone takes an antibiotic, and then the infection strikes again, then the patient immune system will not be ready to fight the infection.

Flu Shots -There is a slight chance that the flu shot will help fight the strain of flu that is going around during the season. However, there is a 100% chance the you will be exposed to a variety of toxins in effort to protect yourself.

Chemotherapy can potentially knock out cancer, but at the risk of knocking out your immune system.  I’ve heard it described as burning down a house to kill termites. You hope you have some structure left by the time you kill all the termites.

SSRIs like Prozac can cheer someone up for a while, but can also severe side effects like suicidal thoughts and ideation in children.

For a link to the article:

Other medications that could have been mentioned:
Acid Reflux Medications, like omeprazole and pantoprazole – the drugs suppress acid production in the stomach, but they don’t get to the root of the cause, they temporarily make the patient more comfortable.

Statins – the cholesterol medications include simvastatin and atorvastatin are supposed to decrease the incident of heart disease, but recent studies show that they cause more harm that good with severe side effects such as muscle damage and increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

Most medications make the patient more comfortable as they work to suppress symptoms. Pharmaceutical companies are not in business to “heal”; they are in business to create long-term patients and long-term profits.