foods-is-medicine1-606x220Hippocrates was a Greek physician who lived from 460BC to 370BC. His contributions to medicine led him to be considered the Father of Medicine.

When Hippocrates made the statement, “Let Food Be Thy Medicine and Medicine Be Thy Food,” he understood the path to true health was going back to basics, including food and nutrition.

And this makes sense – the path to true healing involves nutrition that is from the earth; not a pharmaceutical drug that was created in a laboratory.

According to the Center for Disease Control, 86% of healthcare spending is used for long-term treatment of chronic diseases.

People don’t need acne medication if they cleanse and change their diet. Acne is often toxins attempting to leave the body. People who eat raw and natural foods have flawless, glowing skin!

Type 2 Diabetics don’t need hundreds of dollars of medication each month if they are willing to change their diet to a natural, plant based diet. Diabetes does not have to be a long-term, incurable disease. Diabetes is the result of your body’s attempt to process an overwhelming amount of carbohydrates and sugars. Diabetic patients are not only susceptible to many complications but diabetics spend a fortune in health care expenses. People struggle with diabetes for years, yet it can be reversed often in a matter of a few weeks. Check out the documentary movie Simply Raw, which can be viewed online, or read the book The China Study by T.Colin Campbell.

Acid reflux medication like omeprazole (Prilosec) and esomeprazole (Nexium) are some of the biggest sellers in the pharmaceutical industry. Acid reflux occurs when the body needs extra acid to break down the food, often because it is processed or genetically modified, or even foods that are consumed too quickly and the body has a difficult time with digestion. Acid reflux occurs when the body is trying create balance. Acid reflux can often be relieved by changes in food or eating habits.

There are many chronic health conditions that people struggle with for years. Patients with many health conditions can greatly improve with changes in diet, including asthma, arthritis, ulcerative colitis, obesity, heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

Our bodies have an amazing ability to tolerate, cleanse, and adapt. Our bodies are always working to maintain balance of a large number of components, including fluid, electrolytes, pH levels, temperatures, to name a few.  However, there’s a point where our bodies will be overwhelmed and reached the limit. This is the point where symptoms start to appear and disease starts to develop. Symptoms are often the body’s attempt to regain balance.

Solutions to health involve going back to basics, not in the next miracle pill or medical procedure. Hippocrates understood that a few thousand years ago.

Unfortunately, in a capitalistic based society, the most profitable businesses become the most well-known. Simple solutions that heal such as food and nutrition will never have expensive advertisements on television or in magazines or on the internet. Therefore, fast-food and pharmaceutical drugs are the biggest profit items.

Food and nutrition help get patients back in balance and can help heal health conditions and diseases.