cipro xCipro, Levaquin, and Avelox are all antibiotics in the class of drugs known as quinolones, or fluoroquinolones. Some people who have taken these antibiotics have gone from healthy and vibrant, to sick and disabled.

These medications are commonly prescribed for respiratory infections, bladder infections, and a variety of other types of infections.

The only problem is that these medications can take a healthy individual and completely disabled them.  There are other medications which can work just as well and are much safer.

Bruce Miller was a software engineer in his early thirties when he took three courses of ciprofloxin. He read the warnings, and saw that it could cause tendonitis.  He asked three different doctors about the warnings he read, and all three doctors discounted the warnings as insignificant, and one even said “throw that package insert away.”

Bruce went from a mountaineer and healthy young guy to having tendinitis all over his body to the point he couldn’t walk without pain. He was no longer able to do the adventures that he enjoyed, or even go to work; he could barely walk. He had to quit his job and go on disability.

The antibiotic, which didn’t even help his condition and wasn’t even necessary, has ruined his life.

Will the drug companies help pay for the damages and medical expenses?

There was already a warning on the label regarding tendonitis and tendon rupture. If there is a warning on the label, it doesn’t mean the drug company will help you if you have problems from their drugs. Rather, it means you’ve been warned and you chose to take it anyways.

This class of medications also now has warnings that it may cause neuropathy or exacerbate myasthenia gravis.

There is a growing community of people who have suffered and have their lives ruined by these drugs.  Here’s a page on facebook:

And these are just the ones who have figured out the cause and effect.

After so much damage the Food and Drug Administration will place a warning. They finally did it for this class of meds after 100,000 reports of injuries.  “the FDA warned that Levaquin and other fluoroquinolone antibiotics carry side effects so great that the drugs should not be routinely prescribed unless no other treatment options exist.”

This is too little and too late for the many that have suffered.