The “Incurable” Diseases

Doctors can often offer a prognosis: “You will have to take this medication for the rest of your life.” “You have three months to live.” “Your condition is incurable.” These often give patients a sense of what to expect, so they don’t have to get their hopes up and...

Choosing Realities

So there are several realities in our world, depending upon where you come from and what you focus on. If you have diabetes and you go to the medical doctor, you will probably be on medications for several years as your health slowly deteriorates, with circulation...


Vaxxed is a documentary about vaccinations and the damage they cause. Vaxxed shares the terrible stories of parents who had children that were talking, walking, and connecting to them, hitting all the markers of normal child development, and then suddenly change after...

Dr. Drew Fired

In the above video, Dr. Drew spoke candidly about how he was about Hilary “Gravely concerned … not about her health… but about her healthcare.” If he was the doctor, he would “be ashamed to show up in the doctors lounge … we would be laughed out … she’s receiving sort...

Healing Pain

So you’re in pain … where do you start what can you do? Chronic pain sufferers have a tough journey – and even tougher if they depend upon doctors and drugs for all their healthcare needs. Depending upon doctors and drugs when you are in pain will lead you to...