Weight Loss

As a pharmacist, I have to complete 30 units of continuing education every 2 years. These can be done online. Here is a typical example of a case study that shows how pharmacists are trained to think. See if you notice any problems. At 5 feet 4 inches tall, tipping...

Storm Cole heals from Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia

In my book I interviewed 14 people. Eight of them struggled with a health condition or disease of some sort and couldn’t get solutions from their doctors. Storm Cole was a 22 year old dancer and college student when she started feeling terrible. She researched on the...

The 7 most popular medicines that DON’T WORK

Natural News listed 7 drugs that don’t work  – although I agree with the article, a more accurate description of medications is they reduce symptoms and make the patient more comfortable, often at the expense of one’s health. Antibiotics may kill an infection,...

Drug Warning: Fluoroquinolones

Cipro, Levaquin, and Avelox are all antibiotics in the class of drugs known as quinolones, or fluoroquinolones. Some people who have taken these antibiotics have gone from healthy and vibrant, to sick and disabled. These medications are commonly prescribed for...