Eat Eat Eat

I just read an interesting article on about the 10 most insane medical practices in the world.

This article is mocking the doctors and practices of the past. Some of the treatments that were considered standard medical practice, are now looked back upon as ridiculous and insane.


For a quick summary,

10 – Children’s Soothing Syrups – In the 19th century was a product for those wild or disobedient children called “Soothing Syrup”, which contained narcotics such as morphine, heroine, and opium. Effective, for sure, but may cause side effects such as addiction, drowsiness, or death . . .

9 – The Curative Powers of Mercury – was used to treat many conditions, including as a laxative, diuretic, disinfectant and to treat syphilis. We now know that mercury is toxic and can cause several types of illness such as sensory impairment (vision, hearing, speech), and lack of coordination, peripheral neuropathy, and increased heart rate (just to name a few).

8 – Calm Your Cough with Heroin – Heroin, developed by Bayer, was used to suppress coughs!

7 – Electrical Impotence Cures – Electrified beds, and electric belts were advertised as a being able to regain “male power” and prowess. A little “Shock” to the manhood . . .

6 – Lobotomies – done through the eye socket, was used to treat depression, anxiety and even for moody teenage children!

5 – Urine Therapy – believed to be the key to good health, was drank, applied to the skin, and even used as an enema. Yuck!

4 – Bloodletting, for when people were sick. in short, the body had four types of fluids (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile)  and when someone was sick then the doctors would have the patient bleed out to regain balance of these fluids.

3 – Hard Core Diet Remedies – In the 1950′s and 60′s had bottles of pure crank and amphetamines. In the 1920′s and 30′s, there’s stories of capsules filled with tapeworm eggs! Although the author didn’t know if the tapeworm stories were true, but my thoughts are . . . why wouldn’t they be true?

2 – Trepanation – or drilling holes in your head. Was used as a treatment for migraines or seizures.

1 – For Female hysteria – or mood swings, nervousness, or irritability – was treated by the doctor with a “vaginal massage”. Okay, I don’t view this so much as “insane”, rather, it’s more like “the good ol’ days”.

And then I wondered if whatever the “experts” and trusted professionals of the time were recommending was accepted as the norm? Did the intelligent part of the population accept these methods?

Then my mind started drifting away wondering what people 100 years from now would look back at and mock regarding our medical profession.

Here are some guesses:

That there are cheesy, emotional-driven drug commercials on television that influence the population, enough to make them go to their doctor and request, or demand, the drug.

That many leave their total healthcare in the hands of a medical doctor, who is trained only in drugs and surgery.

Even though pharmacies are looking more and more like fast food, still pharmacists are considered one of the most “trusted” professions.

That people have come so far away with being in touch with their own balance, health, well-being and power to heal.

That people suffer from chronic diseases for years on conditions that can be easier and more simply treated with natural and holistic treatments.

I wonder what else . . . ??

For the full article: